Geoff’s tid bits
Every now and then, Geoff finds pieces of information that he thinks will be worthwhile for you to know…
now he has somewhere to share them with you!
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Company Values
At Switch Electrical, we intend to make a positive difference.
To achieve our values we work to the following:
Treating others with respect and care, as we would like to be treated.
Live with purpose:
Taking ownership of all we do and aiming to succeed in all we do in our intentions, profession and goals
Choosing the correct way every time, with no need to hide anything.
Making a positive difference:
Provide service that exceeds client’s expectations and always looking for opportunities to make someone’s day better – every day.
Be creative:
Continuously improve our service through innovation, training and trying out new ideas.
Call today to arrange us to make a positive difference!
Switch Electrical, your Local Electrical and Data Installations experts.